My Services
What I Do

Birthing Guidance
Offering Support

Postpartum Support
Here for You
Birth Doula Package
Complimentary initial 30 minute call/meeting
Two Antenatal appointments to help you plan your birth.
Postnatal planning to help you prepare for life with a newborn.
On call for you 24 hours a day from 38 - 42 weeks. If your baby/babies arrive outside of this time, I will do my very best to be there.
Continuous emotional and practical support on the phone and email throughout your pregnancy.
One postnatal visit to support you into your transition into parenthood, listen to your reflections on your birth and celebrate the arrival of your baby/babies.
Postnatal Doula Package
We used to live in villages surrounded by family that supported and guided us through the precious postnatal transition. As most of us do not have this support on our doorsteps anymore, a postnatal Doula can offer physical, emotional and practical help whilst you grow into your new roles .
Complimentary initial 30 minute call/meeting
This service is completely tailored to your needs. It can include:
Providing emotional support following the birth including debriefing.
Help you with light household chores, preparing meals and helping care for other siblings or pets.
Guidance with feeding baby and sleeping.
Being with baby so parent/s can enjoy a shower, cup of tea or walk around the block or anything else that is hard with a newborn.
Private 1-1 teaching of the KGHypnobirthing course
Copy of the KGHypnobirthing book
Parents teaching folder
KGHypnobirthing MP3's
On the phone support for hypnobirthing throughout your pregnancy. If you also book me as your birth Doula, I can support your practice during the birth.
Mother/Parents blessing
This is an alternative to a baby shower that gathers your nearest and dearest to take time to honour the journey you have been on so far and support you as you move into this next chapter of your life. The ceremony can include guided meditation, setting intentions for the birth, sending wishes to the baby, creating birth affirmation bunting and many more tasks that bond the group to both baby and parent/s-to-be It is a beautiful way to take pause and feel truly loved for the person you are and visually see all the support you have around you as you enter this new chapter in life.
Postpartum Massage and Body Closing ceremony
Physically during pregnancy, the body expands to accommodate the growing baby: the pelvis tilts and widens, the spine curvature increases, the abdomen stretches to accommodate the growing uterus, which in turn pushes all the internal abdominal organs up. Then during the birth the pelvis opens. Once the baby is born, this all has to happen in reverse. On a simple physical level, massaging and wrapping helps stretched, unstable muscles and ligaments as well as supporting the body in returning to its pre-pregnancy alignment.
On a deeper level, new mothers are open emotionally and spiritually. They are transitioning from who they were through their new born self to who they will become. A massage and body closing ceremony brings us back to our bodies and provides a sense of being held, protected, honoured and cared for. This has been practiced all around the world for centuries.
I come to your home and the massage and closing ceremony takes approximately 1 hour. There is no time frame on when this can be done after a birth. It can be days or years, the benefits will still be felt.
With all of my services I am always happy to tailor packages to your needs, work with payment plans and create gift vouchers for families/friends to gift you. If you are unsure if you can afford Doula support but feel it would improve your birth experience, please get in touch and we can discuss options.